CoupleFucking Site
Couplefucking Overview
Couple Fucking is an amazing amateur sex site that features hardcore porn videos of a nice couple fucking and having fun with each other. This porn site gives you a nice collection of porn videos, which include masturbation fetishes and hot hardcore sex action. The folks at this site are also regularly updating and you will get a great quality of videos leading to HD dimensions.
Tech & Specs
Couple Fucking is a nicely designed site with a nice of amateur collection that is arranged in a nice way, but you can easily note that everything is amateur based. That being said, you will not have any issues in terms of browsing the content or navigating around the site. The content on the member’s area is arranged in the same way, just as shown in the tour area. You can browse all the content from the latest to the earliest and you can even see their dates of updates. The arrangement of the videos on Couple Fucking seems quite logical, since the videos are posted alongside their pictures and scene descriptions.
This amateur porn site has the videos arranged into several pages and you can easily jump from one page to another. Couple Fucking also has different sections for pictures and videos. When it comes to sorting tools, this amateur site is a bit on the lower side, but you can sort the videos in categories. The navigation experience is nice since everything is easily available. You can either download the videos or stream them using a large embedded player. It is not quite clear how often the content is updated, but you can at least expect to see something fresh every month. You might even get several updates in a month.
Content Quality
Couple Fucking currently has 106+ video scenes featuring a hot European couple having fun in different indoor and outdoor scenes. Ingrid is the main female model on this porn site and you can see masturbating as well as swallowing hard cock through her pretty mouth and tight pussy. As stated earlier, everything here is amateur based from the camera work to the level of experience of these models. The kind of content that is featured on this site appears more like the couples next door since everything is delivered in an amateur manner. However, I had a lot of fun watching all the videos and picture sets posted. In one of the videos, you can even see Ingrid fucking herself with an e-cigarette as she smokes it from time to time.
The videos on Couple Fucking are shot in a POV-style which I really like. Though the videos are shot by an amateur, they come in a very nice quality with dimensions reaching up to 1980×1080 pixels. To access these videos, you can either stream or download them and you will also enjoy a very smooth playback. This amateur site also has 106+ picture sets with about 50 pictures in each set. These pictures are also shot by an amateur but they are very clear and they can be downloaded in zip sets. You can access this and more porn content after subscribing to one of the three plans offered. These plans include monthly, quarterly and bi-annual. You also get access to 12+ sites on this network as bonus content.
Long Story Short
This is a nice porn site that will tickle your fantasy if you like watching amateur content featuring a hot model. One thing that makes the content on this site to be worth your membership is the full HD dimensions that these videos come with. The pictures are also nice and they will impress you very much.

Written by:
Eaisa Khan
Expert Blogger, 26, living in Phoenix.